Salient Features
- Hundred percent result
- Spacious and well ventilated premises
- Safe and pollution free environment
- Huge stadium with facilities for different indoor and outdoor games and sports
- Cultural and Literary activities
- Computer education
- Co-curricular activities
- Providing opportunities to exhibit students talent in games and sports
- Training in Yoga etc. for physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual well being

Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Institution
To establish Rajasthan Mahila Teachers Training College as a nationally recognized teacher education Institution for providing Quality TeacherEducation which would prepare professionally competent and socially responsible teachers for the Nation.
- The needs of modern era and Indian society.
- To prepare teachers who are value oriented, innovative, dynamic, professionally competent and socially responsible.
- To work towards the goal of empowering student teachers for the era of globalization.
- To enable the student teachers to develop knowledge and skills for participation in educational transformation and To provide quality teacher education to the prospective teachers keeping in viewnational development.
The objectives of the Institution are
- Promoting learning to learn, to know, to do, to live together and to be.
- Encouraging critical and reflective thinking and creativity among student teachers.
- Developing leadership qualities among student teachers.
- Encouraging use of Innovative teaching methodologies and techniques keeping in view the existing national and global trends.
- Enhancing effective communication skills of student teachers.
- Developing moral values among the student teachers.
- Developing spirit of inquiry and cooperation among student teachers.
- Providing the opportunities to the student teachers to interact and exchange views on education.
- Preparing teachers as responsible citizens for a democratic, egalitarian and pluralistic society.